
THEMES of Featured Zohar Articles

The Cow Jumped Over the Moon
The Zohar says: the red heifer is the 1st step towards unifying with G-d.
The red heifer was required to not have had any yoke on her previously, showing that Nukva (the femimine attribute) is being represented as a virgin in respect to Zeir Anpin (the masculine attribute).
Staying on Track
The Zohar describes our forefather Aaron as the right arm of the Jewish nation.
Aaron was the right arm of Israel. The clouds of glory that directed the Jew's path in the desert were in Aaron's merit and departed when he passed away. The Jews then wandered aimlessly like a person lacking a forearm, who has to support himself at every place possible to avoid falling.
 Water from the Well
Kabbalah teaches that proper prayer elicits blessings from the most supernal sources.
The well of Miriam, from which the Jewish People drank in the Sinai desert, dried up when she died and then returned in the merit of Moses. When the Israelites camped and wanted water, they would stand on the side of the stream bed and sing a song to that higher spiritual well, i.e. malchut and thus the water would flow.
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