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Movement towards holiness is movement towards unity.
Korach's approach was to create disunity in order to advance his own political agenda. The Zohar states that a person should include the attribute of day - the emotions, such as kindness, which should be consciously brought into focus where there is "darkness" - a lack of love and a lack of consciousness.
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To comfort a mourner you should say words that will lead him to thank G-d for what he has.
The Zohar says the most
essential and effective way to elicit true solace in a mourner is to generate
feelings of thanks for what he does still have. If a mourner can be drawn to
give thanks for his predicament, then he can come back to viewing reality as it
is, orchestrated by a loving G-d.
![]() Audio | 7:24
Based on Zohar Bamidbar 177a
During the time when prosecutors prevail on the world and anger impends, If there is a righteous man who is distinguished above in that generation, G-d looks at him and his merits and the anger subsides.
Thus, when Moses saw the G-d's anger pending he immediately told Aaron to bring incense, that causes joy above and below, the tying of faith and the disappearance of anger and judgment.