
THEMES of Featured Zohar Articles

Presenting the Present
Movement towards holiness is movement towards unity.
Korach's approach was to create disunity in order to advance his own political agenda. The Zohar states that a person should include the attribute of day - the emotions, such as kindness, which should be consciously brought into focus where there is "darkness" - a lack of love and a lack of consciousness.
True Consolation
To comfort a mourner you should say words that will lead him to thank G-d for what he has.
The Zohar says the most essential and effective way to elicit true solace in a mourner is to generate feelings of thanks for what he does still have. If a mourner can be drawn to give thanks for his predicament, then he can come back to viewing reality as it is, orchestrated by a loving G-d.
The Remedy for Anger
Based on Zohar Bamidbar 177a
During the time when prosecutors prevail on the world and anger impends, If there is a righteous man who is distinguished above in that generation, G-d looks at him and his merits and the anger subsides. Thus, when Moses saw the G-d's anger pending he immediately told Aaron to bring incense, that causes joy above and below, the tying of faith and the disappearance of anger and judgment.

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