
THEMES of Featured Chasidic Masters Articles

Inner Humility vs. Arrogance
Spiritual accusers are created from the shed husk of a bad personal trait.
Moses was the epitome of humility; there wasn't a trace of arrogance in his actions, in spite of the fact that he was the leader of the nation, spoke with G-d face to face, and was revered or feared by all the inhabitants of the world. Nonetheless, Korach accused Moses of arrogance.
Rebelling Against Rest
Korach personified dissension, the antitheses of the Shabbat spirit of peace.
Korach rebelled against the very institution of Shabbat, described as a divine gift. While he could appreciate the Festivals [called "mo'adim" in Hebrew] as occasions which celebrated events that occurred to the Jewish People and his cohorts were known as "those summoned for mo'ed", he disputed the notion that G-d could grant us this day of rest, the Shabbat.
Accessing the Transcendent
According to Kabbalah, the color blue represents gevura (strength/restraint).
Korach claimed that all of the Jews are holy and all of them can access spirituality without any intermediary. However, although all of us have G‑dly souls and we’re all equal before G‑d, we need the Moses of the generation to take the surrounding light and bring it down to every individual Jew, so that we can all understand the Torah’s message.
Blossoming Almonds
The priests embody a supernal form of loving-kindness.
After punishing Korach and his followers, G-d instructed Moses that each tribal head submit a rod - Aaron was then identified as the leader whom G-d chose by the miraculous blossoming of almonds on his rod.
The Other Side of the Tzadik
Jewish mystical masters utilize the tools of their adversaries to conquer them.
Korach claimed that Moses, in a display of excessive arrogance and nepotism, had appropriated the kingship for himself and the priesthood for his brother's family. But in reality, Korach was able to see in Moses only his own reflection; that of a jealous and bitter would-be leader anxious to usurp power.
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