THEMES of Featured Ari Articles
When we honor both the male and female aspects of Shabbat, we will be redeemed.
The Sages state that if the Jewish people would keep two Shabbats
properly, they would be redeemed immediately. This is usually understood to mean
two Shabbats in a row, but the Ari comments that the mystical meaning of this
statement is that we must keep the two spiritual aspects of the Shabbat - the
feminine and masculine aspects - Shabbat night and Shabbat day.
Shavuot is the wedding day between G-d and Israel
The giving of the Torah is the marriage between G-d (the
groom) and the Jewish people (the bride); the flow of the Torah's divine insight
and wisdom from G-d to us is analogous to the flow of vital seed from the groom
to the bride on the wedding night.
One can choose to which chariot's influence he submits himself.
The "Divine Chariot" is borne by four celestial beings. The kosher domesticated animals of this world are derived from the face
of the ox in the Chariot; the permitted wild animals are derived from the face
of the lion; the permitted birds are derived from the face of the eagle. The
animal soul of man descends from the human face of the Chariot.