THEMES of Featured Chasidic Masters Articles
Love as well as fear of G-d are the two wings with which we ascend spiritually.
Pesach was a time of an incredible undeserved outpouring of kindness and beneficence from G-d. The period of the Omer, a defined measurement, represents constraint of the flow of chesed, rendering one's divine service into a balance of love and fear (great awe) of G-d.
The three stages of offering sacrifices correspond to three aspects of the Jew.
The kohen’s task was to join opposites – heaven and earth. By offering the sacrifices and
performing the other services of the Temple, the kohen caused holiness to
penetrate the physical universe and make itself known to humanity. Since his job
was to create oneness and unity, he could not tolerate
the presence of separation called tumah.
Judaism acknowledges and sanctifies human desire.
Judaism is keenly sensitive to the truth that every human being struggles against horrible demons lurking within - if you don't challenge and tame them, they can turn you into a monster. When overtaken by dark cravings, remember that you are no worse than the High Priest of Israel! But, you, too, may still enter into the Holy of Holies.
Through waving the barley, animal food, the priests elevate physicality.
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