THEMES of Featured Contemporary Kabbalists Articles
The Tabernacle sanctified the physical ground upon which it stood.
The ground under the Tabernacle absorbed holiness only while the
Tabernacle stood upon it. When the Tabernacle moved on, the ground reverted to its previous, mundane status. Later, the holiness of the Temples was
compelling enough to affect even the inanimate aspects of Creation. Hence the
ground upon which the Temples stood remains holy even today.
The Lubavitcher
Rebbe cites three opinions when G-d commanded the construction of the Tabernacle: 1) after the giving of the Torah, before the sin of the Golden
Calf; 2) after the sin of the Golden Calf, on Yom Kippur; and 3) after the first
Yom Kippur.
These three opinions directly correspond to three general types of people and their connection to the Divine Presence in This World: 1) the holy mystic, or completely righteous soul, 2) the penitent, and 3) the sinner. Thus we learn how every kind of Jew has its own unique connection to G-d. |
The Tablets of the Covenant illustrate our connection with the Divine.
The highest level of consciousness of the Divine - that of total unity with G-d - is embodied in the inner chamber of the Tabernacle/Temple and its Ark of the Covenant. The Ark housed the Tablets of the Covenant, on which were engraved the Ten Commandments, encapsulating the entire Torah.
This teaches us that a person can achieve this degree of intense unity with G-d only through Torah study and specifically, through the study of the inner dimension of the Torah - Kabbalah and Chasidut. |
The element of silver draws holiness into the realm of the mundane.
Silver represents the perfectly righteous, who funnel divine "light" into the mundane world. Gold is rarer and therefore more precious than silver; it represents those who have struggled with darkness and won. Copper represents those who live within the mundane but bring no light into it.
Linen is white, alluding to the soul's basic, essential love of G-d, just as white is the background against which all other colors are seen
The types and colors of thread comprising the tapestries of the Tabernacle allude to the bases of our emotional relationship with G‑d. Scarlet to the fire within our soul - our ardent love of G‑d, the color of the sky to our experience of G‑d's majesty. Purple to love for the ideal and anger over how that ideal goes unfulfilled. White linen to the soul's basic, essential love of G‑d which transcends reason.