
THEMES of Featured Ari Articles

Kabbalah and the Calendar
Kabbalah outlines the mystical identities of the months.
The Ari teaches that our ongoing process of self-refinement is more dependent on our own initiative during the "male" half of the year, i.e. from Tishrei to Adar. During the "female" half of the year, i.e. from Nisan to Elul, G-d takes the initiative and our job is to capitalize and respond to this initiative.
Depths of Exile and Redemption: Part 1
In yet unrectified realms, evil battles for spiritual territory.
The nature of exile is that evil conceals holiness. There are four primary exiles: Egypt and Babylonia, Media, Persia, and Greece, which includes the present exile, that of Edom. Each was/is responsible for concealing an aspect of the sefirotic Tree of Life.
The Power in a Name
The consciousness of intellect is altogether different from that of emotion.
Pharaoh received his sustenance and consciousness from the neck of Zeir Anpin, in which are present the three immature mentalities. In contrast, the Name Elokim signifies the contraction of divinity into the context of nature.

Pharaoh and Egypt knew only of this G-d, in contrast to the Name Havayah, which signifies transcendent G-dliness, the aspect of divinity not limited by the laws of nature.
Fixing the Firstborn
Kabbalah explains the partial inclusion of the Mixed Multitude into the Jewish nation.
When the Israelites left Egypt, a "Mixed Multitude" of non-Jews accompanied them, sparks of the souls produced by the wasted seed of Adam during the 130 years after his sin in the Garden of Eden, during which time he separated from Eve. Moses intended to convert these non-Jews and rectify the lost souls that had been produced in consequence of Adam's sins.
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