We find explicitly stated in Midrash Ne’elam of the Zohar on the verse, "For all the good that G‑d did for David and Israel his people" (Kings I 8:66), that David stayed in the world-to-come seven years after his death before they allowed him to enter the upper Jerusalem [the upper level of paradise].

David stayed in the world-to-come seven years after his death before they allowed him to enter upper Jerusalem.

We also find this with respect to Samuel the prophet, who is considered equal to Moses and Aaron, (Psalms 99:6) when Saul raised him [from the dead] using Ob…

One of the ancient and forbidden methods of sorcery, using bones done to raise up the dead and communicate with them. (Lev. 19:31).

…as it says, "Why did you disturb me to raise me up?" (Samuel I 28:15). The Sages say, "He [Samuel] was afraid that it was the great day of judgment." (Vayikra Raba 26:7)

So would it seem that even if one is judged at the time of death, still there are more judgments and punishments to follow.

Even Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakkai, "who did not miss one verse or mishna" cried at the time of his death, as it says in Brachot (28b). [So his students asked him,] "What will be with the other righteous people who are not like you, and how much more so those people whose sins are many?"

In other words, if he was worried about judgment after death, then what about the rest of us who don’t come close to him in deed?

However, it is not now the place to elaborate.

Because of a certain sin he committed, he was reincarnated into this rock.

On many occasions I walked with my teacher through a field, and he would say to me, "This person was called such-and-such, and though he was a righteous person and Torah scholar, because of a certain sin he committed he was reincarnated into this rock, or this plant, etc." Even though he never knew the person nor inquired about him after his death, we always found that he was right. If we discussed this in depth, this book would never end!

Sometimes, he would look from a distance of five hundred amot [cubits, about 1000 feet] at a certain grave that was among twenty thousand others, and he would see the nefesh of the person buried there standing on the grave. He would say to us, "In that grave is buried so-and-so, and they gave him such-and-such a punishment for such-and-such a sin." We would then investigate the person’s life and find his words to be true. There are many great stories like this one.