Come and see: for four hundred years, the minister of the children of Ishmael stood and begged before G‑d. He said to Him, 'whoever is circumcised has a portion in Your name'. He said to him, 'it is so'. He said to Him, 'Behold Ishmael who is circumcised. Why does he not have a portion in You like Isaac?' He said to him, 'It is not so, the one was circumcised properly and according to the full requirements, while the other was not so' [as Ishmael do not fulfill “periyah/uncovering”]. Moreover, the ones cleave to Me as is specified on the eighth day, while the others are distanced from me for many days [being circumcised only at age 13]. He [Ishmael's guardian angel] said to Him, 'But still in all, since he is circumcised, would he not have a good reward for this?'
[R. Hiyya then says] Woe is to the time that Ishmael was born into the world and was circumcised. What did G‑d do [to appease Ishmael]? He distanced the children of Ishmael from supernal cleaving and gave them [only] a portion below in the Holy Land on account of their circumcision.
And in the future, the children of Ishmael are destined to rule over the Holy Land for a long time when it is empty from anything, like their circumcision which is empty and imperfect. And they will prevent the children of Israel from returning to their place until the reward for the merit of the children of Ishmael reaches completion.
The children of Ishmael [i.e. the Arab nations] will cause great wars in the world and the children of Edom will gather against them and wage war against them, one on the sea, one on the dry land, and one near Jerusalem. And they [the children of Edom] will rule over them [the children of Ishmael], but the Holy Land will not be given over to the children of Edom. [The children of Edom is the Christian West, for Edom is Rome (see Num. 24:19, Rashi) and Rome signifies Greece-Rome and the Roman Catholic Church, the foundations of Western Civilization]
At that time, a nation from the end of the earth will be aroused against evil Rome and wage war against it for three months. Nations will gather there, and [Rome] will fall into their hands, until all the children of Edom will gather against it [that nation] from all the corners of the world. Then G‑d will be roused against them. This is the meaning of: "For G‑d has a sacrifice in Botzrah". (Isaiah 34:6) And afterwards, it is written: "That it might take hold of the ends of the earth..." (Job 38:13) He will destroy the descendants of Ishmael from the land, and break all the powers of [all the nations' guardian angels] Above. There will not remain any power of any people on earth, except the power of Israel alone. This is the meaning of "G‑d is your shade upon your right hand". (Psalms 121:5)
For the Divine Name is on the right [malchut is rectified by chesed from the right] and the Torah [the secret of Zeir Anpin also] is on the right. Therefore, everything stems from the right. We learned that we should raise the right over the left, as it is written: "At His right hand was a fiery law unto them". (Deut. 33:2) In the future to come: "Save with Your right hand and answer me". (Psalms 60:7) And of that time, it is written: "For then I will convert the peoples to a purer language [i.e. Hebrew] that they may all call upon the name of G‑d to serve Him with one consent" (Zephaniah 3:9) and: "On that day G‑d shall be one, and His name One". (Zachariah 14:9)
Blessed is G‑d forever, amen and amen.
BeRahamim LeHayyim: One cannot ignore the facts. To do so
entreats disaster. Read this in terms of the daily news, and substitute
Arab nations for Ishmael, and the West and US for Edom.
See with your inner vision.
Determine from your inner soft silent voice.
Pray for your and your people's salvation.
In this timely prophecy, what does it mean to you? We know why it is
being revealed now!
[Bracketed annotations from Metok Midevash and Sulam commentaries]
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