The greatness of the wisdom of the Kabbalah, of the Wisdom of Truth, the true source wisdom of Israel, is that, in the abundance of its divine inspiration, it elevates and uplifts all aspects of the physical to the spiritual, and all their physical forms, both experienced and imagined, to the heights of existence [Atzilut] and supernal enlightenment.
All its ways of explaining…are always woven with his Divine Image and the existential light of his soul….And this is the charm [segula] of the Torah of Truth [Kabbalah], that all its terms [of expression], all its teachings, all its ways of explaining – even when they descend so very low to the point of being grasped by [i.e. applicable to] the most base aspects of the lowest of people – are always woven with his Divine Image and the existential light of his soul, which always rests within him in its role as the point of one’s inner life-force.
And these things [physical concepts with their respective metaphors, terms utilized in the study of Kabbalah] proceed and become elevated, always becoming strengthened in the stamp of their true [holy essence], with no departure whatsoever from the line of Truth and from the path of Divine illumination, which goes forth - light everlasting.
[Translated from Orot HaKodesh, Vol.1:100, pg. 112 by Baruch Emanuel Erdstein.]
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