"And Elokim saw the earth and behold, it was corrupt" (Gen. 6:12)

Why was the earth corrupt? Because all people and animals had corrupted their ways [and spilled their seed upon the earth, thus corrupting the earth itself] as has already been explained. Rabbi Chiya opened [the discussion by quoting the verse concerning the people of Ninveh]: "And Elokim saw from their deeds that they had repented from their evil ways". (Jonah 3:10) Come and see: when people are righteous and observe the commandments of the Torah, the [inner power of the] earth is invigorated [i.e. becomes a sanctuary and a throne for the dwelling of the Shechinah so that She is able to bestow bounty] and there is great joy [and abundance to all in this world below.] And why is that? Because the Shechinah dwells upon the earth and everyone — both Above and below — is joyous.

But when humans corrupt their ways, do not observe the commandments of the Torah, and sin before their Master [G‑d], then it is as if the human race drives the Shechinah out of the world. Then the earth is left corrupt, for the Shechinah is repelled by it and does not dwell on it [and does not bestow upon it abundance]. Then the earth is corrupt. And why should the earth be corrupt? Because a different [impure] spirit rests upon it.

Therefore we say Israel [who fulfill the Torah] give strength to Elokim [i.e. the Shechinah, thereby] giving existence to the world. And if, Heaven forfend, Israel is found guilty, what is written? "Be exalted above the heavens, O G‑d" (Ps. 57:6) [that the Shechinah removes itself from the earth and rises up to the heavens] for "They prepared a net for my steps" (Ps. 57:7) [and caused the external forces to become attached]. "He bent down my soul" (Ibid.) [the Shechinah's stature] because of their corruption and mutual hatred, "they dug a pit before Me" [that She fall into the pit of exile]. As with the Generation of the Flood, that there was hatred and enmity [between them and the Shechinah].

Could [the spirit of impurity dwell] also in the Land of Israel? But we have learned that no other spirit rests upon the Land of Israel, and there is no other appointed over it beside G‑d Himself. Come and see: it is true that no other messenger dwells in the Land of Israel beside G‑d Himself [in times of peace] but there is one time that the evil spirit may govern the land in order to destroy people. How do we know this? From King David, as it is written: "And he saw the angel of G‑d standing between the earth and the heavens, with a drawn sword in his hand stretched out over Jerusalem" (Chronicles I 21:6) and then the land was destroyed [for they were found guilty].

Rabbi Elazar said: Even in that time, it was G‑d, because what is written here, "the angel of G‑d," is analogous to "The angel who redeemed me" (Gen. 45:16) and also to "the angel of the Elokim." (Ex. 15:19) [Be it for the best or the worst, G‑d shall always govern this land.]

BeRahamim LeHayyim: Why did the Ari and Chida include this section? What do they want us to learn?

What is below is also Above. This means that how we comport below creates corresponding influence Above. This is both amazing and downright scary: that our negative thoughts, words, and actions can have supernal effect. "When will we merit the Divine Presence" is the question the Holy Ba'al Shem Tov asks that we each ask of ourselves, constantly.

Perhaps the negativity we may observe below is to make us question ourselves, and to return to the straight path. May it be that we always do the right thing, and when we don't, that we like David admit our mistake, regret our error, and resolve to unite to the Holy way.

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Bracketed annotations from Metok Midevash and Sulam commentaries
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