
Article Summaries of Editors' Picks

True Consolation
The Zohar
The Zohar says the most essential and effective way to elicit true solace in a mourner is to generate feelings of thanks for what he does still have. If a mourner can be drawn to give thanks for his predicament, then he can come back to viewing reality as it is, orchestrated by a loving G-d.
Confounding the Work of Creation
The Holy Ari
Korach was a Levite and moreover was the head of the Levites; he embodied the highest aspect of all states of gevura, whereas Aaron embodied the highest aspect of all states of chesed. Their natures are fundamentally opposed and this was the basis of Korach’s quarrel.
The Eternal Covenant
Mystical Classics
The share of the Levites, the tithe, is called a "salt-like covenant" because it is eternal; just as salt preserves the meat indefinitely, so this type of covenant endures indefinitely.

Salt also represents a fusion of the elements fire and water, for the sun's power turns seawater into salt. The tithe is similarly a combination of the attributes Mercy and Justice.
Inner Humility vs. Arrogance
Chasidic Masters
Moses was the epitome of humility; there wasn't a trace of arrogance in his actions, in spite of the fact that he was the leader of the nation, spoke with G-d face to face, and was revered or feared by all the inhabitants of the world. Nonetheless, Korach accused Moses of arrogance.
Alive in the Depths
Contemporary Kabbalists
"They descended to the depths alive"

The Lubavitcher Rebbe comments that being truly "alive" is possible only by being connected to G-d, through learning His Torah and performing His commandments for His sake, unselfishly.
Presuming Positions
Ascent Lights
Everyone agrees that Korach had great talents. Nevertheless, leadership is determined by Heaven. Rebbe Bunim of Peshischa writes that Korach's terrible mistake was in trying to forcefully seize the leadership and its glory, which only lead to his downfall.
The Korach Syndrome
Mystic Story
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