
Article Summaries of Editors' Picks

Good Times with G─d
The Zohar
Rabbi Aba explains in the Zohar that there are particular times that are not favorable and blessing is not waiting to be drawn down. At those times, harsh judgment is in the world. Therefore, Aaron is told not to come at every time into the precinct of the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle but only at favorable times.
Propriety and Passion
The Holy Ari
The Ari teaches that Adam's fall in the sin of idolatry was primarily in the form of sexual perversion. Nadab and Abihu were attempting to rectify Adam's sin. Had they been married at the time, properly channeling the power of their sexuality, they would have been more able to fix the sin of Adam, their soul root.
Fragrance of Good Intentions
Mystical Classics
The Zohar states that every sin committed by man creates an accusing angel - a negative, destructive spiritual force. When, after confession, a person places his hands on the sacrificial animal he offers in expiation of his sin, he transfers this spiritually negative force to the animal to be slaughtered, whereby it is subdued and neutralized.
Life in Harmony
Chasidic Masters
G-d is the source of life; one who draws close to G-d, attaches himself to the source of life. The purpose of a Jew is to refine and repair every aspect of his soul, until each one is working together in harmony, each quality in its proper proportion.
Yom Kippur Lottery Tickets
Contemporary Kabbalists
"Be holy, since I, G-d, am Holy."
Rashi says, "One might ask if ‘I will be like G-d?’ Therefore it says, ‘I am G-d,’ that My Holiness is above your holiness."

Holiness is the desire to give and to emanate. "Be holy:" give to others from what you have received beyond what is necessary for yourself, for this is the appropriate way for a created being to express its G-d-given holiness.
After-Death Experience
Ascent Lights
"Do not enter the Temple just any time... so you would not die like Aaron's sons, Nadav and Avihu".

Nadav and Avihu's sin was that they wanted to get close to G‑d - to run to G‑d with no return, without remaining anchored to this world. Their death was not a punishment but rather a result of their running to the infinite without an anchor.
The Feminine Antidote
Mystic Story
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